Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

Preface: I'm nervous since I haven't done anything like this before. Basically, if I feel like I don't do a good job on the projects, this ill be my world:
Earth, World, Globe, All, Space, Planet, Environment
Gelentsky, Bela "Earth World Globe All Space" 3/24/2015 Public Domain Distribution

What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?

I'm actually worried the most about how relate my field to the projects. The mathematics field is absolutely massive. There are mathematicians that work in all branches of science, economics and just math in general. I feel as though I'm going to have trouble choosing the "right" topic that I can be completely satisfied with

What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?

I'm excited for the degree of freedom I'm going to get when it comes to producing the final project. I feel as though I'll be more interested in actually doing the assignment rather than dreading it because of rules and guidelines.

Based on your understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? 

I have to choose what topic to do way in advance. Choosing what topic and what genre to do will probably require the most amount of time, especially for how broad my major is. Finding discoveries won't be the problem, but finding something that I feel will be perfect for one of the genres will be difficult.

How will the coursework described in the four project assignment sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?

Some of the genres are definitely going to require working ahead of the last minute. Take Project 2, the Rhetorical Investigation for example. Everyone in the class is going to need at least two primary sources for their project, and getting interviews with a professor, a graduate student, or a professional is going to take more than a couple of minutes. Planning is required, and I'm scared for that considering how much of a procrastinator I am.

How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?

My high school experience didn't prepare me much for independent research and projects, but it did help me hone my writing and presentation skills so that I can make a good independent project. I've never done a project such as the ones I'm going to do in this class, but I do believe that I have the tools and skills necessary to make such a project possible.

Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?

I feel as though the assignments are thoroughly covered in the documents on D2L, so I believe that all of my questions and possible questions are already answered on D2L.

I commented on Brady's and Sofia's blogs

From what I saw from the posts and comments, a lot of the folks in the class seem just as uneasy about some of the projects as I am (of course, we don't hate the ideas, we're actually looking forward to them, just a little nervous). I'm a little relieved that I'm not the solo party member of this nervousness when I look at the syllabus, but there are definitely some people who can't wait to dive into the thick of the projects. Power to the brave!

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