Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

I'm going to refer to my project, which can be found here
Specifically, I'm going to be talking about :30 - 2:30

Here's what I plan on adding into the clip (I would if Blogger would let me post it, but I feel as though describing it will suffice for now).
-Background music, I feel as though every second I hear that background hum is just adding another level of annoyance to my brain. I really don't like the background static, so maybe I can blur it out with music, I might use the same song I used in my video essay
- when talking about middle school, I'm going to play one of my old projects in the background, not sure which one yet
- Clean up the stuttering in my voice

I feel as though this should be enough editing to clean up the podcast enough for it to be in the final cut

In respect to the content, I'm only going to add in some ambiance and possibly a previous project in order to present my ideas better. Therefore, I'm pretty sure my content will remain unchanged

The form of my podcast is going to go from only my voice to some music and some other sources such as my previous project. I feel as this will diversify the podcast so that it's not just listening to my narration for a long time; it will become more appealing.

Editorial Report 15a

I'm going to refer to my project, which can be found here
Specifically I'm going to be talking about the time frame from 0:00 to 0:30

I feel as though the raw audio for this bit is fine, but I do want to add in some extra clips so that the audio is more or less, appealing. I don't want my project just me  talking into a microphone for 8 and a 1/2 minutes. 

Here's what I plan on adding into the clip (I would if Blogger would let me post it, but I feel as though describing it will suffice for now).
- "-and type as many pages as I can with as many fancy words and complex sentence structures that I can think of" will feature me the sounds of me furiously typing away on a mechanical keyboard for the sake of ambiance"
- after "simultaneously splurging on YouTube" will contain the sound clip of "Here in my garage"
- "slapped me across the face" will have slapping effect in the background

I feel as though for that small section those edits should be enough to make the podcast not just my voice.

In respect to content, the portion of the podcast isn't changing at all; the narration and voice over will remain unchanged.

In respect to form, I am changing the podcast from just a voice over into an actual project by adding in extra audio clips so that the podcast is more than just my voice. I feel as though this is going to add in some depth to my project so that it isn't just flat narration.

Peer Review for Brady Thomas

I peer reviewed Brady's podcast about his self-reflection, which can be found here.

Peer Review:
Let me start out by saying that you really have a good grasp on the circumstances that surround your writing process. Your opinions and standpoints on things like the interviews and you position as a freshman in college was something that never really occurred to me, and I feel as though it's really unique for this topic. I think that this is probably the best part of your project; keep the current audio, it's really good.
One thing I wish your narration did have was a bit more focus on the genres themselves. From the perspective of a dictionary definition, the self-reflection is supposed to be about your writing process, and that includes how much time the different genres take. Well, at least from my perspective that's what affected my writing process the most. This may be different for you, and, if so, then it's definitely okay to keep your project as is.
In conclusion, I like it as a rough cut. You really seem to know what you're talking about and what you learned from these project and college in general. I definitely think that the final cut is going to end up really well done.

Personal Thoughts:
I feel as though I wasn't too much help to Brady since his podcast was really good, it just bare bones since it's only him talking right now. Of course, he needs extra audio so it's not just him talking into the mic for 11 minutes, but it's not my position to choose what he needs to do for that portion of his project. I don't want to mess with what Brady thinks this project will look like.

I incorporated the use of genre in this peer review since I feel as though Brady didn't touch on it too much. It's not necessarily the most important aspect of the podcast, but I do feel as though mentioning the constraints of different genre is important for sure.

I probably learned that Brady's podcast seemed for personal than mine. My podcast was mostly just a event-by-event explanation of why my writing process was altered, but Brady's seemed more real. It's something I respect about his project for sure.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Hey all, you can find my rough cut here.

Honestly this is a pretty bare bones cut, I honestly just left as my narration and then I'm going to add in some extra stuff. Of course, I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to add in since this is just a reflection on my own writing process, but I'll figure that out when I get to it.

Something I know that's good about my podcast is the layout. I feel as though talking about my progression from project to project is a good format. I really feel as though it fits well into this genre.

Of course, something I know that bad about the podcast right now is that it's just my voice for 8 and a 1/2 minutes talking about my previous experiences. Not really very interesting is it. I also know that my voice isn't exact the best suited for this type of genre; I stutter every once in a while. I plan on incorporating other audio clips into the project, but for the rough cut, I felt as though just the raw presentation would get me the best feedback.

Either way, tell me what you think. I can handle brutal honest. In fact, I would respect it if you were brutally honest with me.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

In this section I discuss the challenges I had with Project 3, especially the production process

Original Draft:
My third project was quite the brute to produce. I was very familiar with the technical suits I was presenting on, but oh my lordie dear the actual production phase was the worst. First off, my rough draft became unusable; a certain video program that shall remain unnamed splattered a giant watermark over my entire video after my trial version ended. My rough cut became unusable, so I had to quickly some up with a new rough cut. It wasn't too hard, just so much work. I eventually got the whole project together after a couple of wasted hours.
I had around 45 minutes left until he drop box closed on D2L when I finished my project. However, I couldn't upload the project in time because of the wonderful power of University of Arizona WiFi. My video essay took too long to upload, and this point I was just furious.
I suppose the biggest thing I learned from this experience is to always prepare for the worst. Situations I didn't plan for came up and hindered the progress I had made on the project; I'll take this experience as a lesson and be better prepared next time.

Revised Draft:
My third project was quite the brute to produce. I was very familiar with the technical suits I was presenting on, but oh my lordie dear the actual production phase was the worst. First off, my rough draft became unusable; a certain video program that shall remain unnamed splattered a giant watermark over my entire video after my trial version ended. My rough cut became unusable, so I had to quickly some up with a new rough cut. It wasn't too hard, just so much work. I eventually got the whole project together after a couple of wasted hours.
I had around 45 minutes left until he drop box closed on D2L when I finished my project. However, I couldn't upload the project in time because of the wonderful power of University of Arizona WiFi. My video essay took too long to upload, and this point I was just furious.
I suppose that I should of planned for these types of occurrences. I'm a pretty easy-going guy, so I often create trouble for myself. More often than not I just deal with my mistakes and move on. No point in reflection in that aspect. However, technical issues like this were not my mistakes or the mistakes of others; it was an error.
I suppose the biggest thing I learned from this experience is to always prepare for the worst. Situations I didn't plan for came up and hindered the progress I had made on the project; I'll take this experience as a lesson and be better prepared next time.

How did you decide to use
form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I used a script to present my raw material since the final audio cut of my project is not yet ready. Thus, I used a really bare bones script in order to present my information. I kinda of want to have my podcast be organized, but still have some sort of free reign in respect to what I'm going to talk about. Thus, I'm using this script as just an outline.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of this raw material went fine. I kind of have an idea on how my podcast is going to look and sound. Thus, I followed my content outline and create a nice loose script that I could use for my final project.

Production Report 14a

This part of my script is focused on my first Project, which is about the Math Wars. It was a QRG, and I kinda talk about my opinions on choosing this project.

Original Script:
I always like thinking about "food for thought" when it comes to these self-reflection things. I always ponder whether I could've done x better, or maybe I took too much time on y, or maybe the reasoning behind z was a flat out lie. I don't know, I like looking back in an anti-nostalgic way to the past I suppose, but I feel as though this is really applicable to the Math Wars QRG I made.
First things first, I want to say that I'm a Bachelor of Science Mathematics Major; this means I am aiming for a degree from the college of science. The other path a math major can take is the Bachelor of Arts path. This is a one-way ticket to becoming a math teacher for the middle school or high school level. For my project, I actually had to choose something from the Bachelor of Arts area, since I couldn't find anything remotely usable in my own major.
Call me a hater, but a mathematician's innate trait to question everything really brought quite the pain in respect to finding a good topic. Like, Mathematician A could argue that the number 0 is actually nothing, while Mathematician B could argue the number 0 has a value. The screwy part is that in they're both right by logical reasoning. Thus major "controversies" are just pondered and no actual action really occurs.
Thus the Math Wars, regrettably,  became my topic for Project 1.
Just as a footnote, I suppose I should mention that I in no way hate the topic of the Math Wars or anything similar in that area. I just would've liked to pick something more up my alley.

I always like thinking about "food for thought" when it comes to these self-reflection things (McDonalds I'm Lovin' It sound clip plays). I always ponder whether I could've done x better, or maybe I took too much time on y, or maybe the reasoning behind z was a flat out lie. I don't know, I like looking back in an anti-nostalgic way to the past I suppose, but I feel as though this is really applicable to the Math Wars QRG I made.
First things first, I want to say that I'm a Bachelor of Science Mathematics Major; this means I am aiming for a degree from the college of science. The other path a math major can take is the Bachelor of Arts path. This is a one-way ticket to becoming a math teacher for the middle school or high school level (Play Key & Peele Audio). For my project, I actually had to choose something from the Bachelor of Arts area, since I couldn't find anything remotely usable in my own major.
Call me a hater, but a mathematician's innate trait to question everything really brought quite the pain in respect to finding a good topic. Like, Mathematician A could argue that the number 0 is actually nothing, while Mathematician B could argue the number 0 has a value. The screwy part is that in they're both right by logical reasoning (Say Something, What Audio Here). Thus major "controversies" are just pondered and no actual action really occurs.
Thus the Math Wars, regrettably,  became my topic for Project 1.
Just as a footnote, I suppose I should mention that I in no way hate the topic of the Math Wars or anything similar in that area. I just would've liked to pick something more up my alley.

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

The form really wasn't changed in respect to the script (considering that the script wasn't changed), but I the revised version uses some audio clips that I've come across over my years scavenging the internet for juicy memes. In respect too the form of the podcast, the addition of third party audio clips could help the podcast stray away from just being ten minute "song" that only has my voice. Just a little touch of ambiance could go a long way in terms of the project.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of the script went fine. I feel as though I'm pretty set in respect to reflecting on my past work. There weren't any challenges, and I've actually started the recording process. The recording process has actually gone quite smoothly as well.

Production Schedule

Production Schedule for Reflection

5/2/2016 - 5/4/2016 - Work on the script for the podcast
5/5/2016 - 5/6/2016 - Find external audio clips that will fit into the podcast
5/7/2016 - I read the script into a microphone
5/8/2016 - Editing the podcast and finalizing the project