Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14a

This part of my script is focused on my first Project, which is about the Math Wars. It was a QRG, and I kinda talk about my opinions on choosing this project.

Original Script:
I always like thinking about "food for thought" when it comes to these self-reflection things. I always ponder whether I could've done x better, or maybe I took too much time on y, or maybe the reasoning behind z was a flat out lie. I don't know, I like looking back in an anti-nostalgic way to the past I suppose, but I feel as though this is really applicable to the Math Wars QRG I made.
First things first, I want to say that I'm a Bachelor of Science Mathematics Major; this means I am aiming for a degree from the college of science. The other path a math major can take is the Bachelor of Arts path. This is a one-way ticket to becoming a math teacher for the middle school or high school level. For my project, I actually had to choose something from the Bachelor of Arts area, since I couldn't find anything remotely usable in my own major.
Call me a hater, but a mathematician's innate trait to question everything really brought quite the pain in respect to finding a good topic. Like, Mathematician A could argue that the number 0 is actually nothing, while Mathematician B could argue the number 0 has a value. The screwy part is that in they're both right by logical reasoning. Thus major "controversies" are just pondered and no actual action really occurs.
Thus the Math Wars, regrettably,  became my topic for Project 1.
Just as a footnote, I suppose I should mention that I in no way hate the topic of the Math Wars or anything similar in that area. I just would've liked to pick something more up my alley.

I always like thinking about "food for thought" when it comes to these self-reflection things (McDonalds I'm Lovin' It sound clip plays). I always ponder whether I could've done x better, or maybe I took too much time on y, or maybe the reasoning behind z was a flat out lie. I don't know, I like looking back in an anti-nostalgic way to the past I suppose, but I feel as though this is really applicable to the Math Wars QRG I made.
First things first, I want to say that I'm a Bachelor of Science Mathematics Major; this means I am aiming for a degree from the college of science. The other path a math major can take is the Bachelor of Arts path. This is a one-way ticket to becoming a math teacher for the middle school or high school level (Play Key & Peele Audio). For my project, I actually had to choose something from the Bachelor of Arts area, since I couldn't find anything remotely usable in my own major.
Call me a hater, but a mathematician's innate trait to question everything really brought quite the pain in respect to finding a good topic. Like, Mathematician A could argue that the number 0 is actually nothing, while Mathematician B could argue the number 0 has a value. The screwy part is that in they're both right by logical reasoning (Say Something, What Audio Here). Thus major "controversies" are just pondered and no actual action really occurs.
Thus the Math Wars, regrettably,  became my topic for Project 1.
Just as a footnote, I suppose I should mention that I in no way hate the topic of the Math Wars or anything similar in that area. I just would've liked to pick something more up my alley.

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

The form really wasn't changed in respect to the script (considering that the script wasn't changed), but I the revised version uses some audio clips that I've come across over my years scavenging the internet for juicy memes. In respect too the form of the podcast, the addition of third party audio clips could help the podcast stray away from just being ten minute "song" that only has my voice. Just a little touch of ambiance could go a long way in terms of the project.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of the script went fine. I feel as though I'm pretty set in respect to reflecting on my past work. There weren't any challenges, and I've actually started the recording process. The recording process has actually gone quite smoothly as well.

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