Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15a

I'm going to refer to my project, which can be found here
Specifically I'm going to be talking about the time frame from 0:00 to 0:30

I feel as though the raw audio for this bit is fine, but I do want to add in some extra clips so that the audio is more or less, appealing. I don't want my project just me  talking into a microphone for 8 and a 1/2 minutes. 

Here's what I plan on adding into the clip (I would if Blogger would let me post it, but I feel as though describing it will suffice for now).
- "-and type as many pages as I can with as many fancy words and complex sentence structures that I can think of" will feature me the sounds of me furiously typing away on a mechanical keyboard for the sake of ambiance"
- after "simultaneously splurging on YouTube" will contain the sound clip of "Here in my garage"
- "slapped me across the face" will have slapping effect in the background

I feel as though for that small section those edits should be enough to make the podcast not just my voice.

In respect to content, the portion of the podcast isn't changing at all; the narration and voice over will remain unchanged.

In respect to form, I am changing the podcast from just a voice over into an actual project by adding in extra audio clips so that the podcast is more than just my voice. I feel as though this is going to add in some depth to my project so that it isn't just flat narration.

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