Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

In this section I discuss the challenges I had with Project 3, especially the production process

Original Draft:
My third project was quite the brute to produce. I was very familiar with the technical suits I was presenting on, but oh my lordie dear the actual production phase was the worst. First off, my rough draft became unusable; a certain video program that shall remain unnamed splattered a giant watermark over my entire video after my trial version ended. My rough cut became unusable, so I had to quickly some up with a new rough cut. It wasn't too hard, just so much work. I eventually got the whole project together after a couple of wasted hours.
I had around 45 minutes left until he drop box closed on D2L when I finished my project. However, I couldn't upload the project in time because of the wonderful power of University of Arizona WiFi. My video essay took too long to upload, and this point I was just furious.
I suppose the biggest thing I learned from this experience is to always prepare for the worst. Situations I didn't plan for came up and hindered the progress I had made on the project; I'll take this experience as a lesson and be better prepared next time.

Revised Draft:
My third project was quite the brute to produce. I was very familiar with the technical suits I was presenting on, but oh my lordie dear the actual production phase was the worst. First off, my rough draft became unusable; a certain video program that shall remain unnamed splattered a giant watermark over my entire video after my trial version ended. My rough cut became unusable, so I had to quickly some up with a new rough cut. It wasn't too hard, just so much work. I eventually got the whole project together after a couple of wasted hours.
I had around 45 minutes left until he drop box closed on D2L when I finished my project. However, I couldn't upload the project in time because of the wonderful power of University of Arizona WiFi. My video essay took too long to upload, and this point I was just furious.
I suppose that I should of planned for these types of occurrences. I'm a pretty easy-going guy, so I often create trouble for myself. More often than not I just deal with my mistakes and move on. No point in reflection in that aspect. However, technical issues like this were not my mistakes or the mistakes of others; it was an error.
I suppose the biggest thing I learned from this experience is to always prepare for the worst. Situations I didn't plan for came up and hindered the progress I had made on the project; I'll take this experience as a lesson and be better prepared next time.

How did you decide to use
form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I used a script to present my raw material since the final audio cut of my project is not yet ready. Thus, I used a really bare bones script in order to present my information. I kinda of want to have my podcast be organized, but still have some sort of free reign in respect to what I'm going to talk about. Thus, I'm using this script as just an outline.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of this raw material went fine. I kind of have an idea on how my podcast is going to look and sound. Thus, I followed my content outline and create a nice loose script that I could use for my final project.

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