Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Hey all, you can find my rough cut here.

Honestly this is a pretty bare bones cut, I honestly just left as my narration and then I'm going to add in some extra stuff. Of course, I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to add in since this is just a reflection on my own writing process, but I'll figure that out when I get to it.

Something I know that's good about my podcast is the layout. I feel as though talking about my progression from project to project is a good format. I really feel as though it fits well into this genre.

Of course, something I know that bad about the podcast right now is that it's just my voice for 8 and a 1/2 minutes talking about my previous experiences. Not really very interesting is it. I also know that my voice isn't exact the best suited for this type of genre; I stutter every once in a while. I plan on incorporating other audio clips into the project, but for the rough cut, I felt as though just the raw presentation would get me the best feedback.

Either way, tell me what you think. I can handle brutal honest. In fact, I would respect it if you were brutally honest with me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackson!
    Overall, it was a good reflection and was honest about how you felt you did during this semester in English. I am going to make a few form suggestions that you can either take or leave.
    Add sound effects into your podcast if you can and wherever necessary. This is a staple of podcasts and makes it sound less like a monologue.
    Add music as an introduction and as transitions to also make it seem like less as a monologue.
    It sounded like you went based off a script. It's okay to not go off of a script and make it sound like you are just having a conversation. Because of this, it's okay to have a few mess ups here and there because podcasts are live streams at the time.
    Other than that, great podcast, keep up the good work!
