Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

I'm going to refer to my project, which can be found here
Specifically, I'm going to be talking about :30 - 2:30

Here's what I plan on adding into the clip (I would if Blogger would let me post it, but I feel as though describing it will suffice for now).
-Background music, I feel as though every second I hear that background hum is just adding another level of annoyance to my brain. I really don't like the background static, so maybe I can blur it out with music, I might use the same song I used in my video essay
- when talking about middle school, I'm going to play one of my old projects in the background, not sure which one yet
- Clean up the stuttering in my voice

I feel as though this should be enough editing to clean up the podcast enough for it to be in the final cut

In respect to the content, I'm only going to add in some ambiance and possibly a previous project in order to present my ideas better. Therefore, I'm pretty sure my content will remain unchanged

The form of my podcast is going to go from only my voice to some music and some other sources such as my previous project. I feel as this will diversify the podcast so that it's not just listening to my narration for a long time; it will become more appealing.

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