Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

France Flag, National Flag, France, Europe, Background

Johannes Murloc, France Flag National Flag France 11/24/2015 via Pixabay Public Domain Distribution License

I used the author Benoit Pausader, from the Université Paris 13 and Brown University

After researching for a while, I found Pausader on Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, YouTube, and WordPress, along with being mentioned on several other different journals across the country and on international news.

How would you describe the author's social media presence?
The author has an inactive social media presence. For the most part, Pausader just has accounts that he rarely posts on. Around 5 years ago, Pausader posted certain parts of his findings, but now he only partly uses social media just to post about his personal life. From his old posts though, it seemed as though he was interested in the prospect of sharing information through popular websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, but he seems to have given up on that idea. Many of his old posts are links to his works or comments about other journals posted by his colleagues in France. Furthermore, some of his older posts  are in French,c so its hard to fully comprehend his translated posts, but they're mostly the same.

How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal?
Pausader turns from a normal human being talking about his discoveries and personal life into a machine that spits out data and contextual information. The transformation is quite astounding. In his social media posts, Pausader is mostly formal, but definitely seems passionate  about his life and his line of work. This passion is completely lost in the format of the journal, especially so when most of the journal's writing is mathematical proofs. In essence, Pausader is writing in a whole different language in the journal that his typical English in social media. In short, his persona is completely different as an author than as a professor posting on social media.

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