Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

Me with physical copy of complicated mathematical proofs

Who are the authors/speakers published in this specific issue of the academic journal you've selected?
There are three authors for the specific piece that I selected:

Yan Guo
Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI

Alexandru D. Ionescu
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Benoit Pausader
Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, LAGA, CNRS (UMR 7539), Villetaneuse, France

All three of these authors are professors from various universities across the world. Most of the academic journals that I've been looking into feature mathematicians from across the world. Math is a bare bones, minimalist, universal language that ca be understood without being hindered by a language barrier. Math is spoken the same in the United States as it is in Russia. This is why the authors are this diverse, and when reading the article, why the writing is so dependent on math. Formulas and proofs dictate the majority of what covers the journal's topic rather than rote language.

Who is the intended audience for this particular journal issue?
The 122 page article is a collection of absolutely disgustingly complicated  proofs, therefore the target audience is very niece. This journal is directed towards people that are very articulate the language and reasoning of math. Anyone else beside someone who is a mathematician, or has some very strong connections with mathematical understanding will just end up very lost within the definitions given in the text. More so, I believe that this journal is meant to inform other notable scholars and professors across the world about certain research that has been conducted by the authors. 

What is the context surrounding this particular journal issue?
Going along with the intended audience, this journal, the Annuls of Mathematics is meant to be read and understood. The content contains very beautiful but complex theories that root together mathematical ideas to one another; the journal is retelling the learnings of the authors in a language only a few select few can fully comprehend. The journal is meant to inform, nothing more, nothing less. It acts as a newspaper for the mathematical community of some sorts.

An example of the content of the journal:
∂tn + div((1 + n)v) = 0, ∂tv + v 
∇v + ∇n = − [E + v × B] , 
∂tB + ∇ × E = 0, 
∂tE − C∇ × B = (1 + n)v,

Contextually, this theorem is showing the qualities of "one-fluid models with nontrivial magnetic fields". The variables are assigned their normal values for this branch of science. Its context like this that give the journal its niche audience.

What is the overall message of the journal issue?
The message is meant to inform the audience about the findings that the authors have discovered. In this specific journal, the authors are showing their audience the Global solutions of the Euler-Maxwell two-fluid system: a complicated mechanism that related to biochemistry. The authors' specific opinions are hard to decipher considering the content of their journal, therefore the authors' intent must be to inform

What purpose is the journal issue trying to achieve?
Just like the message of this article, the purpose is to inform various scholars across the world about certain topics of research that have been occurring in various categories. In this case, its the two-fluid system.

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