Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Pronouns

Wooden, Letters, We, Word, Wall

Karolina Grabowska, Wooden Letters We Word Wall, 6/9/2015, via Pixabay Public Domain Distribution License

these (test scores)
this (1st  recent survey)
this (2nd recent survey)
this way (New Math)
thing (general problem)
This year (1989)
these (principles)
it (mathematics as a subject)
it (New Math)
It (a potential solution to the Math Wars)
it (MathLand)
it (MathLand)
they (replacements for MathLand)
this (survey done by NAEP)
this (lack of action)
this (2006 NCTM document)

Tally Count:
this - 7
it - 5
these - 2
they - 1
thing - 1

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