Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

Word Cloud, Words, Tag, Cloud, Tagcloud, Wordcloud

Narciso, Word Cloud Words Cloud Tag, 3/1/2015, via Pixabay, Public Domain Distribution License

1: I honestly don't like using pronouns too much in my writing, and considering that my 8 page Quick Reference Guide only had a handful of pronouns was satisfying. One thing of note is that none of my pronouns were personal pronouns. Usually the typical example of a pronoun would be me, I, he, she, the sort of words that describe people; however, there were zero in my guide. This is quite a concern, since this implies that my guide isn't talking about people involved in the Math Wars nearly enough. This is even more of a concern considering how pivotal a role like a stakeholder is for this guide.

2: There are zero instances where I talk to my audience directly. I chose this style of writing since my main purpose is to inform them on what the Math Wars are an for them to form their own opinion off of what they read. Mentioning events that could relate to the audience may alter my goal of the audience forming their own opinion, instead creating their feelings because of the way I worded an event. I want this guide to be as unbiased as possible, so I believe keeping the audience out of the syntax is key to achieving this goal.

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