Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Content Outline

My genre for the subject on genres in my subject is the college essay I don't intend to strictly follow this outline, but this is a good way to organize my information and ideas.

  1. Introduction Paragraph
    1. Introduction of myself
    2. Introduction of my interviewees
    3. Introduction of my genres
    4. Claim: There are a couple different genres that mathematical works incorporate in order to produce information.
  2. Written Mathematical Pieces (probably will be multiple paragraphs)
    1. Explain what mathematical text is
      1. Introduce what the written mathematical language looks like
      2. Give brief overview on why this language is universal
      3. Explain that most mathematical texts use this sort of language
    2. Mathematical Journals
      1. Explain what a mathematical journal is
        1. Audience: Other mathematicians and professors (niche)
        2. Example: Mathematical Annuls
          1. Possibly quote direct mathematical writing in essay as an example of how ridiculous this type of writing is
          2. Any annul will do, just choose one
        3. Find other examples, probably AMS Journal
      2. Explain what the journal is trying to accomplish (broad approach)
        1. Purpose: To inform the audience about certain findings
          1. Findings differ depending on the journal
      3. Touch on the fact most journals are the same
    3. Mathematical Textbooks
      1. Touch on the point that math education is still a branch of mathematics
      2. Reinforce idea of a textbook's purpose
        1. Audience: Lesser informed people interested in mathematics
        2. Purpose: To create an outline for teaching a certain "branch" of mathematics to the student in possession of the textbook
    4. Interview with Dr. Laetsch
      1. Use his example of a mathematical text and what its significance is
        1. Go into detail on why he created the text (not just a University requirement)
        2. Who he was trying to target with this text
  3. Discussions regarding mathematics (note there are no actual physical examples of this topic, so it'll probably be a short section of the essay)
    1. Interview with Dr. Laetsch
      1. Explain why these meetings take place for a university professor
      2. Why don't these discussion get recorded (informal environment)
      3. Explain what is being discussed in this particular type of meeting
      4. Who is all present during this time
        1. Who heads the meeting and why is it organized
    2. Interview with Ms. Cherney
      1. Explain why these meetings take place for a university professor
      2. Why don't these discussion get recorded (informal environment)
      3. Explain what is being discussed in this particular type of meeting
      4. Who is all present during this time
        1. Who heads the meeting and why is it organized
  4. Mathematical Presentations
    1. Explain how a mathematical presentation is different from a discussion or a journal
      1. The audience is meant to be informed of some thing significant
      2. Something of a greater caliber is expected off of a presentation
      3. Usually someone very famous in the community is giving the presentation
    2. Use examples of Mathematical Presentations
      1. Dr. Mandelbrot
      2. Dr. Hall
      3. Dr. Wall
    3. Use these examples to show a basic layout on how these presentations are usually organized
  5. Concluding Paragraph
    1. Restate the purpose from the introduction
    2. Use the evidence stated in the body paragraphs to conclude on the subject of genre

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