Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Bond

I've never been the best with editing papers, but I'll do my best in expressing my opinions on your essay. To be fair though, overall I enjoyed the piece as a whole.

Content Suggestions

-Probably the biggest thing that I noticed content wise was a lack of reference to your sources and interviewees. I personally felt as though you could've had more solid claims as to what these types of genres actually were if you had more concrete examples

-Probably the thing I liked the most was how the whole essay was organized. Every paragraph and genre felt distinct from one another. If anything, keep that characteristic of your essay in the final draft

-Another thing I would keep are the explanations for each of your genres. I do think adding direct quotes from sources would help elaborate on the genres, but your explanations did a good job as well

Form Suggestions

-Form wise, it's a good looking college essay. The font is good, the layout is good, the heading is good, the works cited page is good. Basically, everything looks like it should

Copy-Editing Suggestions

A gripe that I had with respect to your use of language was an over-reliance on the general picture of  your genres. Be more specific and talk about certain journals, textbooks, or pamphlets that pharmacists have made and use it as a mock layout for what these genres are supposed to look like

-Another thing is that I feel as though your conclusion is kind of weak. You did mention a lot of content in your body paragraphs, so I know that finding a fitting conclusion will be difficult, but I felt as though the essay didn't really end on a solid note

Re-design Suggestions

-Design wise it looks good

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