Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

Rough Cut Version:
In conclusion, because of math’s broad definition and large international scale, many people present mathematics in their own ways. Whether it comes to writing out mathematical proofs, or present basic information through textbooks, or presenting findings and famous discoveries in large auditorium, the broad sweep that math has over its rhetorical piece is impressive.

Re-edited Section:
In conclusion, because of math’s broad definition and large international scale, many people present mathematics in their own ways. Not only, this but the broad scope on what constitutes a math professional has also further enlarged the scale that defines mathematics: university professors, white-collar workers, even students. Math represents something unique not only for these three categories of people, but for every group that uses mathematics in their daily lives. Whether it comes to writing out mathematical proofs, or present basic information through textbooks, or presenting findings and famous discoveries in large auditorium, the broad sweep that math has over its rhetorical piece is impressive.

1: Content wise I added two sentences to my concluding paragraph. The main thing I thought was that this paragraph didn't really do much except for conclude some parts of my paper. I felt as though it didn't really sum up everything I talked about, so I added more content. The first sentence references that the many genres that exist for math are existent because of the broad definition of a "math professional", while the second sentence elaborates on this idea further. I talked a lot about why math had some many genres because of the variety of professions in my paper, so I added this content to conclude on this idea as well as the other ideas in this paragraph.

2: I was satisfied with the form of this paragraph already, so I didn't change anything in that context.

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