Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report a

Outline Text - This content comes from the first body paragraph of my essay. This paragraph is meant to introduce what a mathematical text is, since there are many different examples of this type of writing. Furthermore, this type of writing has a strange format with different symbols that literally translate to certain exact definitions. For example, "∃" directly translates to "there exists".
  1. Explain what mathematical text is
    1. Introduce what a mathematical text is
    2. Introduce what the written mathematical language looks like
    3. Give brief overview on why this language is universal
    4. Explain that most mathematical texts use this sort of language
Adaptation of Outline Text:

Probably the most common type of presentation that I ran into while researching my major was something called a “mathematical text”. A mathematical text is generally a report on the results of recent mathematical studies on abstract ideas or real life implications (usually applicable to certain fields of the sciences). Most of these texts are written by university professors and internationally renowned mathematicians. Furthermore, the writings have a very defining characteristic that puts them aside from any other piece of writing in general; the majority of the writing is in the universal mathematical language. Many of the texts written rely on written mathematical proofs in order to get their claims and ideas across while relying little on actual cultural language that all humans are accustomed to speaking, no matter what nationality they come from. The American Mathematical Society gives a good example of this type of language in one of their journals, Conformal Grafting and Convergence of Fenchel-Nielsen Twist Coordinates: “There exist angles θ± ∞ ∈ S1 such that θ±(s) → θ± ∞ as s → ∞. Proof. Consider the conformal isomorphism ϕ : D \ {0} → C+ as a map into S∞. There is a covering map ψ : D \ {0} → S∞ corresponding to the cusp C+, and ϕ lifts under ψ to a conformal embedding ϕ : D \ {0} → D \ {0}.” (AMS). The quoted text is, of course, unimportant to understand since it’s only an excerpt to an incredibly complicated mathematical proof that goes beyond normal arithmetic that most people are used to. What’s important is that university professors and mathematicians are dependent on this type of language to communicate their ideas effectively and efficiently; any other language used to communicate this type of language is too inefficient. Therefore, this type of text is meant for an audience that can understand this type of writing and topic. Most of the time, these academic texts are meant to inform other professors and mathematicians about recent studies in the field of mathematics. The texts exist to inform the audience rather than persuade them like other journals written by professionals.

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

Since my piece was an essay, I decided that the form for this content should be as informative as possible. The paragraph I used in my raw material isn't exactly the prettiest, especially since there is a sizable mathematical claim slapped down right in the middle of the thing. Most of the other writing is basically an introduction and explanation to what a mathematical text is, much like what the outline describes. Furthermore, I touch a bit why the author chooses to write like this since only a niche audience will be able to fully understand the text and receive it well. I organize the material in this way since it seemed mostly similar to the type of content one can find inside one of the journals that I'm describing: mathematical proofs as the actual content and English to explain what the content means.
How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

Sine this was an essay, there weren't any problems with creating this piece. I only had to write this piece and accessing the information I needed to write is was relatively easy.

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