Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9a

Rough Cut:

Many of the texts written rely on written mathematical proofs in order to get their claims and ideas across while relying little on actual cultural language that all humans are accustomed to speaking, no matter what nationality they come from. The American Mathematical Society gives a good example of this type of language in one of their journals, Conformal Grafting and Convergence of Fenchel-Nielsen Twist Coordinates: “There exist angles θ± ∞ ∈ S1 such that θ±(s) → θ± ∞ as s → ∞. Proof. Consider the conformal isomorphism ϕ : D \ {0} → C+ as a map into S∞. There is a covering map ψ : D \ {0} → S∞ corresponding to the cusp C+, and ϕ lifts under ψ to a conformal embedding ϕ : D \ {0} → D \ {0}.” (Borgue). The quoted text is, of course, unimportant to understand since it’s only an excerpt to an incredibly complicated mathematical proof that goes beyond normal arithmetic that most people are used to. What’s important is that university professors and mathematicians are dependent on this type of language to communicate their ideas effectively and efficiently; any other language used to communicate this type of language is too inefficient. Furthermore, this language is universal, since most professionals internationally can understand this style of writing no matter what their nationality is. Therefore, this type of text is meant for an audience that can understand this type of writing and topic.

Re-edited Selection:

Many of the texts written rely on written mathematical proofs in order to get their claims and ideas across while relying little on actual cultural language that all humans are accustomed to speaking, no matter what nationality they come from. The American Mathematical Society gives a good example of this type of language in one of their journals, Conformal Grafting and Convergence of Fenchel-Nielsen Twist Coordinates: “There exist angles θ± ∞ ∈ S1 such that θ±(s) → θ± ∞ as s → ∞. Proof. Consider the conformal isomorphism ϕ : D \ {0} → C+ as a map into S∞. There is a covering map ψ : D \ {0} → S∞ corresponding to the cusp C+, and ϕ lifts under ψ to a conformal embedding ϕ : D \ {0} → D \ {0}.” (Borgue). It is unimportant to understand the specific context of this quote, since it’s an excerpt to an incredibly complicated mathematical proof that goes beyond normal arithmetic that most people are used to. What’s important is that university professors and mathematicians are dependent on this type of language to communicate their ideas effectively and efficiently; any other language used to communicate this language is too inefficient according to mathematicians. Furthermore, math is a universal language, since most professionals can understand this style of writing no matter what their nationality is. Therefore, this type of text is meant for an audience that can understand this type of writing and topic. The common person isn’t meant to read this type of writing since it goes beyond their knowledge of math.

1: The content changed since I focused more on what the quote I used was supposed to represent, while the original just focused on what the quote was instead. The main change was the sentence after the quote; in the revised version I specifically mentioned that the context of the quote was unimportant, since it was only an example to show why these sort of texts are meant for professionals. Another thing I changed was the font after the quote. I had a mistake in my essay since in the rough cut, the font was half Times New Roman, half Arial. The revised draft has all Times New Roman. Furthermore, there is an additional sentence to tell the reader why these texts aren't meant for the ordinary public.

2: The form of this essay is basically the same since I was already satisfied with how the project looked as a whole. The only difference is that this portion had two different fonts in the original draft, while the revised version only has one type of font.

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