Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule

How on Earth will I schedule this essay?
In all honesty, I would love to save it all to the last minute, but that's the smart idea, so here's a schedule I think that will work best for me

March 9-11th: Look for additional resources, examples, or quotes I can use in my essay.
    -I feel as though the amount of information I got out of the interviews and previous blog posts        wasn't quite enough to fully satisfy the amount of information this essay needs. I'm going to look a little deeper for more information on the matter of genres

March 12th: Using the content outline and additional resources I've found, start constructing the first two-thirds of the essay (probably up until when I start talking about mathematical presentations).

March 13th: Finish up the rest of the rough cut with the other third of the essay.
    -The reason I split it up like this is to make sure that the later parts of the essay still fit with the theme and style I created in the beginning and most of the body of the essay. This is necessary for me, since I tend to have trouble keeping a constant tone or feeling through any piece of work that I create (people call me a spaz for a reason I suppose)

March 14-20th: Spring Break/Slight Updates to the Rough Cut. I don't expect to get too much during this period of time since it is Spring Break, but I do want to keep myself at least in touch with my project and not loose all of my understanding over what I wrote.

March 21-23rd: Global Revisions over the entire essay.
    -This should take a while since usually when I change something in any piece of work I do I end up changing quite a bit of my writing in order to match up with the new information

March 24-26th: Local Revision. Shouldn't take too long, I'm usually pretty diligent when it comes to my word choice and grammar in accordance with my writing

March 27th: Finishing touches and turning the final product

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