Monday, April 11, 2016

Peer Review for Diego Alcantra

Below, I peer reviewed Diego's production report for his podcast for Project #3. This original draft can be viewed here.

Obviously, it's hard to get a grasp of the project as a whole since it's only the script and not the podcast itself (I'm not blaming you, I only have the script too, I'm mentioning it since it's going to be hard to get a grasp on the project as a whole). If I had to recommend anything, it's that you only included one piece of audio that isn't your own voice. This is, of course, only speculation, but I feel as though the podcast will feel more complete if there are more portions of audio that isn't your voice (I bet you have a lovely voice however). Adding in more external audio sources might help the project as a whole. I do have to commend you on the information you chose to present; the content flows wells and is very informative and to the point. I feel as though the actual script writing is solid enough to make it to the final cut.

I felt I helped the author with the ideas that the podcast would feel more complete with more additional audio. I feel as though this would help with in accordance with the form of the podcast. I eel as though a lack of sources in this department would make the podcast feel lacking. I did learn that I should also adapt this to my own project. I'm doing a video essay, so the visual elements in my project are just as important as the script; I definitely need to look more into that category.

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