Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11b

As stated in the previous production report, I haven't organized the visual elements of my project quite yet, so the only solid content I have so far is my script.

2008 was the year that kicked off the controversy surrounding competitive swimwear when Speedo released the LZR Racer swimsuit to the world. The suit is made out of elastic nylon and polyurethane, and designed so that oxygen in the blood could flow through the body easier than other full body suits currently on the market. Speedo only released the product; the actual designers for the suit were an Italian company by the name of Mectex and NASA. At the 2008 Olympics, swimmers wearing the LZR Racer won 94% of the events, set 23 new world records, and reported had an average decrease of time by 2-4%, which is a huge margin in a sport dictated by millisecond intervals. Even after the Olympics, 130 new world records were set, 90 of which were LZR Racer. 130 world records in one year is unheard of. These results were so absurd that FINA, the association in charge of the regulations for competitive swimming, actually banned the suit from all future competitions, but would still keep the records set by the suit.

1: My form for this portion of my project is not exactly great, considering that there is no video along with my video essay. I honestly didn't have much choice in respect to representing my form; my form was going to end up half-completed anyway that I represented it in this post. But, from the perspective of the script it's exactly what I want the form to look like. I want the written content of my project to be more based on fact and historical evidence then opinionated claims.

2: As stated above, I've been having trouble finding a way to organize the visual elements into my project. I have found resources that I think will fit my project well, but I've been having trouble putting them together. The script isn't the problem either, I feel as though when I try and put the visual elements together, they don'y flow well. Ultimately, that's my biggest problem currently, but I feel as though my script is very good for what I want to show for this project.

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