Sunday, April 3, 2016

Production Schedule - Project #3

4/4/2016 - 4/6/2016 - Gather resources for the Rough Cut
4/7/2016 - 4/10/2016 - Start using materials to start making the outline for a script for the video essay including, but not limited to, images, videos, articles, magazines, video editing software, and a microphone
4/11/2016 - Us the outline to finalize the script and make sure it line up correctly with the images and videos previously gathered and organized
4/12/2016 - 4/14/2016 - Record narration and edit parts of the narration so that it fits and flows better with the videos and images acquired
4/14/2016-4/17/2016 - Finalize the video essay through editing and re-narration through parts that aren't adequate
4/18/2016-4/21/2016 - Peer edit other projects and implement what they did well into my own project in some shape or form
4/21/2016 - 4/24/2016 - Create final cut of Project 3

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