Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post for Peer Reviewers

Video can be found here (too big to fully upload on Blogger):

Here's my perspective on my project:

First of all, I would like to tell you how much I struggled getting this thing together. My old rough cut ended up receiving this GIANT watermark over the center of the video, so I ended up having to toss the old video and starting from scratch. I didn't know this would happen, so the final cut is sort of hastily put together. I'm still pretty proud of it, but I think there are some shortcomings.
- My point of argument isn't too clear, I focused too much on the background surrounding the issue
- The music is only one track. It's a good track, I love the instrumental, but it almost seems distracting due to it's repetitiveness
- There are some audio issues and some slight background noises in certain parts of my video (that AC unit where I was recorded is just BARELY audible)

There are definitely smaller issues with the project, but overall I'm just glad the whole thing came together and I got to get my point across. If I had to praise one thing I did well, it's that I feel as though my information is really well researched. I feel as though I know exactly what I'm talking about in this video essay, and subsequently, I feel as though my point will get across a lot easier because of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jackson!
    Sorry to review your video essay so late! I hope that even though its a little late for changes you can still appreciate what I have to say!
    Your video essay is very well done and your intro with the Olympic clip is very intriguing. Additionally, I really like how you introduced yourself and your tie to the project!
    I was very interested in your topic but your actual argument did not become clear to me util about 5 minutes in. You touched on fabric a lot but I wasn't really sure where you were going with it. I was not bugged by feeling a bit in the dark but I think if you introduced your topic earlier it might've been easier to understand!
    I also think you may have contradicted yourself in your closing sentence. You say that it is even more unfair for those who set records before 2008 to have their records replaced but you then say that the records of those in non-textile suits should be revoked. I guess I could be wrong in thinking that the Lazer is the textile suit? But either way I find it a bit confusing.

    Despite these two things, however, I think you did a really great job! This was engaging and interesting to watch and I think you were very successful!

    Best of luck!
    - Julia
